PPI Partners : IUCN NL
Who are we ?
IUCN NL is the Dutch national committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network. In the Netherlands, we form a platform for 37 Dutch IUCN member organisations, including large and small nature and environmental organisations, the Dutch Government and knowledge institutions.
Our Vision
Nature is fundamental to our well-being. It provides us with food, clean air and water, energy, shelter, medicine, recreation and inspiration. As long as we keep nature healthy, we can enjoy its benefits. And share these benefits fairly: with the poor and vulnerable, with other species, and with future generations. That’s our vision: a just world that values and conserves nature.
Our Work Abroad
IUCN NL collaborates with and supports local organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, together with IUCN member organisations and other parts of IUCN, to safeguard important nature and biodiversity in these regions. Together we develop international collaborative programmes and acquire funds from different donors.
For almost 12 years we work closely with the “Programme de Petites Initiatives (PPI)” managed by the French committee of IUCN. We profit from mutual advise on projects and partners, share experiences, and organize joint actions such as capacity building workshops or events of our work at the IUCN World Conservation Congresses. This collaboration has been further expanded by teaming up with colleagues from the MAVA Foundation and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).
How are we organized
IUCN NL is an independently governed organisation (non for profit foundation according to Dutch law) within the IUCN Union. From 2020 onwards IUCN NL is governed according to a two-tier model comprised of a professional Board of Directors (Director) and a Supervisory Board. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed in personal capacity and on a voluntary basis. The IUCN Member Organisations in the Netherlands appoint the members of the Supervisory Board and approve the multi-annual strategy. The Strategy 2020-2024 forms the basis for our activities. Find the IUCN NL 2020-2024 strategy here : https://www.iucn.nl/files/algemeen/jaarverslagen_en_beleidsstukken/iucn_nl_strategy_2020-2024.pdf
Where do we get our finances from?
IUCN NL is a self-supporting, project funded not-for-profit organization, whose work is supported by various institutional donors (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Lottery). Thanks to the financial assistance that we receive from these organizations we can be committed to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity throughout the world on a daily basis.
More information available here