On the networks side: AGSAC
On June 6, 2018, the Third General Assembly (GA) of the Alliance for the Conservation of Great Apes in Central Africa (Alliance-GSAC) was held. Launched in 2016 with the support of the IUCN-PACO through the PPI and now legalized as an association in Cameroonian law, this collaborative dynamic between NGOs currently brings together 6 civil society organizations from 4 Congo Basin countries (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, DRC). This network aims to strengthen the capacities of its members, as well as their political legitimacy at the sub-regional and international levels, while seeking to support the implementation of concrete actions on the ground.
After a first constitutive GA held in Limbé (Cameroon) in October 2016, a second in the North of the Dja Biosphere Reserve (Cameroon), on the field site of the NGO member TF-RD, this third GA of the network was held in the Moukalaba Doudou National Park, in southern Gabon, on the intervention site of the NGO PROGRAM. This site is exceptional because of its high density of western lowland gorillas.
The holding of the GA, whose organization was supported by the PPI-PACO, was the occasion to undertake a complete assessment of the activities of the past year and the partnership perspectives in progress. It also made it possible to discuss more strategic aspects such as the strategic plan of the network for the period 2018-2021, the ethical bases and criteria of good associative governance to be respected by the members of the network. A new board was also elected during the event.
For more information : alliancegsac@gmail.com