The PPI team keeps renewing itself : goodbye Arsène and welcome Damien !
In recent weeks, the PPI organization has evolved! After spending more than 8 years working for the PPI, Arsène Sanon, coordinator in charge of capacity building for NGOs in West Africa, has just passed on the baton to Damien Martin.
Arsène is currently pursuing his mission within the IUCN Central and West Africa Program (PACO) as manager of the regional governance project for protected areas in West Africa. The entire PPI team would like to thank him warmly for his involvement during all these years spent at the PPI and for all the support work he has carried out alongside our partners. We wish him the best for the rest of his professional adventure and are confident that we will continue to work together in the coming years.
Damien has just started his mission and will therefore be in charge of supporting new beneficiaries on technical, financial, organizational and networking support components in West Africa (mainly in Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Burkina Faso). Damien knows the PPI perfectly since he himself worked for almost 15 years as Technical Director of CREDI, which he co-founded in 2006 and long-time partner of the PPI in Benin. Damien is also a beekeeper in his spare time and produces one of the best honeys in all of West Africa! We wish him good luck in taking up his position and welcome to the team !