From May 19th to 23rd, celebrate nature everywhere around the World!

 Dans PPI

Introduced in France in 2007 by the IUCN French comity, the Fête de la Nature (Nature days) is the annual event during which all the stakeholders – people and organizations – engaged for nature swing into action. During the week of May 22nd, the international biodiversity day, thousands of free activities are offered across France for everyone to discover the natural wealth in their vicinity and experience the contact of nature.

This celebration is now structured and organized regularly in France, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Quebec (Canada). In 2020, several NGOs from Africa joined the action. All of them offered many activities which have been added to the program on the Fête de la Nature’s French website and want to repeat this positive experience.

In early 2021, the Fête de la Nature is calling again for NGOs from the World and players involved in PPI to take part in this worldwide celebration of nature! Fortified by 15 years of experience, the French’s NGO offers its knowledge to help actions to emerge out of France. Also, it gives to French speaking countries the opportunity to register their activities organized between May 19th and 23rd 2021.

The Fête de la nature organization is one of the official partners of IUCN nature congress which will take place in September 2021 in Marseille. During this event, all the actions abroad certified for the Fête de la Nature 2021 will be highlighted. This communication will contribute in drawing participants’ attention on the relationship between humans and nature and the stakeholders who work to preserve it.

How to participate? Upload the “Guide de l’organisateur” (Organizer’s guide book) meant for French speaking countries and follow instructions in order to register activities in your country during the Fête de la Nature 2021.


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